Earn Your Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership
“Epigenetics is an emerging area of scientific research that shows how children’s experiences actually affect the expression of their genes. Nature vs. Nurture is no longer a debate. It’s nearly always both!” - Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University
Young Leaders in Action - Make a difference within the community!
This graduation speech from Tierney B. reminds us of what ALL students need... HOPE and a sense of BELONGING.
Thank you to Oak Park and River Forest High School for inviting us to share our trauma-informed journey!
Thank you to all the administrators and teachers who attended the ROE’s Back-to-School Breakfast/Luncheon with keynote speaker, Brian Mendler!
Brian Mendler speaking to area school administrators about “That One Kid”.
Catch up with the latest stories and news updates. It's Everything ROE 39...in your pocket! If you haven't already, download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2MQlr8o or iPhone: https://apple.co/2MKAeBs
We are loving our new website and app! Access news updates right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2MQlr8o or iPhone: https://apple.co/2MKAeBs
Next Week: Educator's Back to School Luncheon held at Millikin University Campus on August 6th from 11:30am - 1:00pm. Open to ALL Macon/Piatt Educators, early childhood providers and community members.
Next week: Administrator's Back to School Breakfast at Millikin University Campus on August 6th from 7:30-10:30am. They have a great line up of speakers planned.
Open to ALL Macon and Piatt county school administrators.
We're thrilled to announce Macon-Piatt ROE 39's new app! It's Everything ROE 39...in your pocket. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2MQlr8o or iPhone: https://apple.co/2MKAeBs.
A great morning with Rida Ellis and area teachers sharing Morning Tub ideas!
Have a great summer break!
We have a new app!