Our ROE recommends that you do the following as it relates to interns and/or student teachers (either preclinical or practicum).
First, complete the following form: Approved Provider Activity Summary<>
This document provides a basic outline of what constitutes professional development for or from the teacher. Merely supervising an intern or student teacher will not count toward professional development. It should align with one of the following categories:
* Engages participants over a sustained period allowing for analysis, discovery, and application as they relate to student learning, social or emotional achievement, or well-being; or Aligns to the licensee's performance (evaluation);
* or Includes outcomes that relate to student growth or district improvement;
* or Aligns to State-approved standards;
* or Are college courses.
Next, we advise that the supervising teacher keep a record and/or log of the activities conducted with the intern and/or student-teacher. This can either be done after or prior to the completion of the activity. Having this discussion prior to alleviates confusion as to what will count during the supervision time.
The "recommended credit" (or hours) will be determined by the approved provider (either the university/college or school district).
Finally, the teacher will need to complete an Evaluation<> in order to receive the Evidence of Completion Form<>.
Once the above steps have been completed, then the hours may be entered into your ELIS record.